Saturday, October 31, 2009

Reality Check: There will be never be enough time to do everything you want...SO what can you do about it?

Success isn't just about MONEY

What I learned from the T. Harv Eker's Rich Life Club

the other day was this:

Success has many components to it including

health, spiritual. relationships and financial success.

And it was these questions that really got to me:

If you have a lot of money, but you don't take care of your health or have lousy relationships --

do you consider yourself to be successful?

If you are a kind and spiritual person but are broke at the end of the month--

do you consider yourself to be successful?

But what so many people are do is that they go after financial success.

People are in such a hurry to achieve financial success that they neglect

these other areas of their lives.

I read that and it helped me to re-evaluate myself and how I allocate my time.

It forced me to ask myself "Where is all my time going?"

Now, as you can see on my main website - that I operate a home based franchise called

Easy-Pha-max geared around natural health so health and financial success is definitely not

an issue for me because I believe in what I do but on a side note -- I do know people who I have

met that are very well off financially but they are negligent with their health.

So the bottom line is this:

True success is found when you have all these components in your life filled.
You are happy with your health, your relationships are amazing, you feel spiritual,and are reaching your financial goals.

Wouldn't you agree?

Now the real question is:

Do you believe success is possible for you?

"Whether you think you can or you think you can't - you're right" -Henry Ford

What does it mean to believe in yourself...Stay Tuned for future blogs!

Until Next Time...

Your Friend,

Gurmit Singh

P.S. Become my Extra-Special Friend and Reap the Benefits!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

What is Value and How do you add Value To Someone's Life?

I've come to learn that money is natural result of quality relationships and you build quality

relationships by helping others.

Value is simply making someone's life easier by informing them something new they

did not know was possible and could help them.

For example:

a) Sharing an idea, experience or thing that can benefit someone else.

b) Making a difference in someone's life no matter how small or big it may seem to you, it just may mean everything to someone else.

How do you add value to someone's life?

Find what people are complaining about. The answer may be so obvious to you

but that's you and not everyone is like you.

Consider it your gift but are you willing to share the gift?

If you genuinely have an interest to help others whether you make a profit or not,

then what you are communicating is that you don't care about the money --

you care about the person.

People will begin to like and trust you when you communicate your interest

to really help them not only because you want to help them

but also because you gave them something of value.

The Law of Reciprocity - Will you make it work for you?

Value doesn't always come back in the form of money at first but it is always

working for you whether it is building credibility for your reputation

or whether it is word-of-mouth referrals (the most powerful form of advertising --

that doesn't cost money!)

Nevertheless, you always feel good about what you do because

your intention was purely to make a difference in the life of that one person.

The Question I leave you with is this one:

Who do you have to BE to give value or to be of service to someone else?

Your Friend,

Gurmit Singh

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What is an Entrepreneur?

In college, I always fascinated by entrepreneurship.
I remember reading Rich Dad, Poor Dad at the age of 17 and learned the
basics of personal finance, knowing the difference between an asset vs. liability

It was a book that changed my perception of the world forever.
And then Cashflow Quadrant helped me to understand the different types of mindsets.

These books helped me to shape my life up until now to understand those different mindsets.

So I always pay attention to people's words as it reflects their core beliefs.

I remember the days when I used to think Entrepreneurship was a subject, something I would be qualified for after 4 years of getting my degree. Infact, I was so upset that I would not be able to afford tuition at Syracuse University which was like $200,000 per year!

Since that time I learned Entrepreneurship is really not a subject but a lifestyle. I feel it has to do more with who you are versus what you do. What I learned is that an entrepreneur is nothing more than someone who solves others problems for a profit.

However, successful entrepreneurs come from a positon of service and look to help serve people by adding value to their lives vs unsuccessful entrepreneurs who start businesses solely for the purpose of making money and self-interest.

I find that college frames us to "chase the money" so we become conditioned in a way.
So that is one reason why many people have trouble succeeding business.

My Suggestion: Chase the Relationship

The relationship is what creates long-term profit (not only financially but also trusting friendships.)

Help others.

And Don't Be Afraid To Give your best.

Hope this helps,

Gurmit Singh

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Launch of a New Ebook?

For the past week I have been thinking of ways

to help others succeed when they join the Easy Pha-max community.

I have decided to create an E-book that will help people get real results!

It will have answers to frequently asked questions and will have

practical strategies to get results.

(By the way, there will be no cost for this e-book for our community members.)

As a Millionaire Mind Ambassador and Rich Life Club member, I also want to include some

information about whatI learned about mindset training and working in a way

that can make success easy!

You'll see what I mean when it's published.

I encourage you to bcome my extra special friend as well

by visiting my main website and clicking on the CHIMP :)

Stay Tuned For More Updates...

P.S. At any point, feel free too ask any questions or comments you have -- so that I can make this more tailored to your needs. Thanks!